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“World Diabetes Day”

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By Jagmohan Singh Barhok

14th November is declared as the World Diabetes Day. It has become an important feature owing to the increasing number of Diabetic patients around the world with China & India leading. In Indian cities 16% & in villages 8.8% people are diabetes patients. In Chandigarh 1 in every 10 is either diabetic or pre diabetic.

According to an estimate as many as 30 crore women are likely to be victims of Diabetes by 2040. Diabetes is a state when the level of sugar in blood becomes Higher than the desired level. It is attributed to so many reasons like- late sleeping, eating more junk food, long hours of continuous sitting and lack of physical exercise to mention some. When sugar is not properly consumed by the body the person becomes diabetic Or insulin is either not produced nor sufficiently produced for the purpose. I am writing the briefest possible post for commoners to understand the problem.

30 minutes Brisk walking, 20-30 minutes exercise and lesser intake of food items like potato, rice, mango & beverages might help. Diet and physical exercise are the best possible preventive measures to control or check diabetes. Forty minutes of brisk and continuous walking can help a lot to prevent diabetes as it helps sensitize insulin and provide energy.

If your sugar level is 100/150, it does not mean you are free from the disease. You must undergo HBA1C test. Glycosylated HB test shows the average glucose condition. This is the Best way to know your sugar level. If the result is below 5.6 its Ok. If ranges between 5.7 up to 6.4 it is an Alert signal. More than 6.5 is the first stage of being a diabetic. This test shows average glucose in body to enable you to control your level of sugar. For an Eye- Operation doctors ensures it is not more than 150/7. Rest depends from doctor to doctor & patient to patient.

Frederick Banting (Canada) was the scientist who discovered insulin to regulate sugar level in blood & prevent Diabetes. He & John James Richard Macleod (Scotland) were bestowed with Nobel Prize for discovering insulin in 1923. Charles Herbert Best worked as Assistant to Banting who shared half of his prize money with Best. 14-year-old Leonard Thompson was the first person to receive an insulin injection as treatment for diabetes on 11 January 1922.

The Government & various agencies must be alive to & concerning the problem & to help educate people to prevent or delay the risk. In India according to estimates there are 11 crore Diabetes & 14 crore Prediabetes people. Be Active & Live Longer. Happy & Healthy Diwali to All.

Jagmohan Singh Barhok

Leading Film , Fashion ,Sports & Crime Journalist Up North. Active Since 1971.Retired Bank Officer. Contributed more than 7000 articles worldwide in English, Hindi & Punjabi languages on various topics of interesting & informative nature including people, places, cultures, religions & monuments. Ardent Music lover.

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