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“Krishna Janamashtami- A festival of Gaiety, Merriment & Celebrations”

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Jagmohan Singh Barhok.

Janmashtami, one of the prominent Hindu festivals, marks the birth of Krishna, believed to be the most popular deities worshipped by Hindus. It falls eight days after ‘Raksha Bandhan’, another festival based on the bonds of affection & love between sisters & brother. Here ‘ashtami’ means 8th.

According to Hindu belief Krishna is Supreme God, whose qualities & forms are represented by endless number of dieties which emanate from him .The festival is celebrated throughout the country including overseas where sizable Indian population is residing. On the day Temples are decorated with lights marked by gaiety & fervour. Temples are especially decorated in Mathura & Benaras.

Yogi Adityanath, CM Uttar Pradesh, will visit the ‘Birth Place’ of Krishna on the occasion, it is reliably learnt. Happy Janmashtmi to all Friends , Neighbours & Countrymen. May the Day bring peace & happiness in everyone’s life.

Jagmohan Singh Barhok

Leading Film , Fashion ,Sports & Crime Journalist Up North. Active Since 1971.Retired Bank Officer. Contributed more than 7000 articles worldwide in English, Hindi & Punjabi languages on various topics of interesting & informative nature including people, places, cultures, religions & monuments. Ardent Music lover.

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