Jagmohan Singh Barhok
The Western concept of beauty lies lays stress on curves and conours or what is more populary clled ‘vital statistics’.The Western male sees beauty in a tall,slim,lithe and lissome femae while we in the East find a hurly,lusciously – filled female with a swan- like neck and long legs as beautiful.An Indian boy may be charmed by a elaborately-dressed,coy & bashful saree or dhoti-clad village belle may not take notice of,much less be attracted by,the willowy,wasp-waisted,bikini-clad,semi nude,western sultry siren.

Situatd on the bank of river Hugli, Kolkata is famous the world over for Howrah Bridge.It is one of the busiest ports and has been a centre of Indian film industry after partition until 1960s. The City also boasts of many a talented actress and director including Beautiful & Charming women, the subject of this short photo feature.While going through many topics of interest I happened to get in touch with some friends from Kolkata and came to know that there was no paucity of Beauty in the state of West Bengal. Infact, the city is gifted with or abounds in thousands of exotic ,charmingly endowed beauties who have been engaged in different spheres of life ready to dazzle,bewitch and beguile. Interestingly,most Bong Beauties are voluptuosly endowed & are in their late twenties and early thirties, as is evident from the photographs of some amazingly luscious Bong beauty at their erotic best.